
After installing the One Way Door, reinforcing other  weak spots around the house might be necessary. This will ensure that animals won’t find this weaknesses and make their way back in. We use galvanize mesh or flashing, matching the color of your house, for a solid and neat finishing.

We offer home, shed and deck exclusions, solar panel skirt installation, bird netting, balcony protection from pigeons, weeping vents protection, dryer and exhaust vents replacement, chimney caps, methane pipes, roof vents screening, soffit repair, etc.


     Several devices are available for each specific case. 

Roof wiring for seagull control. Electrical, chemical and mechanical anti-roosting devices for pigeons. Spike installation for window sills, bird slopes to prevent pigeons from nesting on ledges, and electric fencing for other animals like deer.

Bird scare tactics like kites, Eagle Eyes, scarecrows and flare guns are also available.